Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So I like numbers.

You know how some people doodle on their papers when they're bored? I do too, but it often has to do with numbers. Not so much anymore, but I would even write my own math problems to solve. As a doodle. Oh, and I will often do math problems either in my head or on paper, even if it takes way longer than pulling out a calculator. Yeah. So that's me.

Anyway, so I thought it was only fitting that I share with you a few of my favorite numbers:

1: The number of times I've fallen in love.

2: The number of people in a marriage.

4: The number of kids I am fortunate to have.

5: The number of times I've moved since I got married.

6: The size of my family.

10: The number of years in a decade (and how many years I've been married!)

14: The number of years since we met.

3652: The number of days that I've been married to Rhoda.

12100: Days since I was born

30%: Percentage of my life I've been married and to my sweetheart

5392: Number of times I've screwed something up and yet Rhoda still finds it in her heart to forgive me. (OK, so I made up that number, but it's probably pretty close.)

And I think this is probably my favorite:
infinity: The number of years I can be with Rhoda. Forever. That's good, because I don't think anything less would be long enough.

I love her so much. She puts up with my procrastination, flakiness, my inability to make a quick decision. She listens to full-length versions of stories because I can't seem to figure out how to tell the Reader's Digest version. She supports me in everything I try to do. She has been a rock and anchor in turbulent times in my life. She is such a part of me and my life. She means everything to me. I wish I were better about showing it to her. She truly is 1 in 6.7 billion, and I can't believe the good fortune that has been mine to be married to her for the past decade.

Here's to many more.


Tiffany McAlister said...

Happy Anniversary! You are both fabulous, and a great example of what makes a marriage work. I love you!

Kelly Jean said...

What a cute post. I love it! Happy Anniversary!

Steph H said...

How nice to take the time to write out some of your feelings about your wonderful wife. I bet she was thrilled to read this (and if she's anything like me, that's all she needs to make up for all the stresses and ups and downs of marriage and life). You two are so great.