Friday, April 9, 2010


The main intent of this blog is to share the things that have weighed heavily on my mind. One of the reasons it's been a while since I posted anything is because I've been spending so much time working on some big work projects for both my jobs. Yep, that's right. It always hits at the same time. I figured most of you wouldn't be interested in the intricacies of writing queries or web programs, or even creating or consuming web services. (To those of you who would be interested in those things, I say "Get a life, you sicko!" Just kidding. I love that kind of stuff.) Anyway, that's been monopolizing a lot of my brain power over the last month or more.

However, among all of that, there has been an underlying thought that has stayed present in my mind much of the time. It's how lucky I am. I am so blessed. I have a beautiful, understanding wife. She has been very supportive of me and my endeavors. Not only that, but she manages our household very well. In fact, because of her, nobody has skipped a meal, had to wear dirty clothes out of the laundry hamper, or even had to pay late fees because the bills always get paid on time. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I'll be honest, that's saying something, because I've had a pretty good life so far. I love my sweetheart, and I think she deserves every compliment she gets, even if she doesn't feel that way.

Then there's my kids. Sure, they're kids, so they act like kids, but they are good kids. They make me proud. Last night, we were reading the scripture story of the sick woman who just touched the hem of Jesus' robe and was healed. Mily asked "How did Jesus know that woman was sick?". "Because He's awesome!", Josh replied. Man, it was funny, but it really made me happy inside to know that my kids feel that way. Cause Jesus IS awesome!

Speaking of the Savior, another blessing I am SO lucky to have is that I have my faith. Faith in Christ. Faith in His atonement. Faith in the plan that God has for all of us. I know He wants us to be happy, not just forever, but now. Right now. I am so lucky to know the Savior and His love for me.

Another way I'm lucky is that I have not one, but TWO jobs. One full time, and then some consulting on the side. I know people who have been out of a job for a while, or who have been really struggling to make ends meet because they couldn't find a job that would meet their needs. And I have two. It gets a little hard to balance everything sometimes, but in this economy, I'm not complaining about having enough for what my family needs.

I'm also lucky to have been raised by great parents. My mom and dad are people who are kind and talented. People you just want to be like. Not mean in any way to anyone. I learned a lot from my dad. He was a great example of sacrifice to me. Sometimes he worked two jobs. He worked a very physically demanding job, and I never once heard him complain about how hard it was to go to work. My mom has a great work ethic. If she tells someone she'll do something, she does it and she does it right.

I am lucky to live in the time we live in. I love having a computer and a cell phone. Things I would not have had if I didn't live in the time that I live in. So many modern conveniences. It's amazing. I am also lucky to live in the place that I live in. The US is really a great place to live. Sure, it has its ups and downs, but we are sure blessed in this country. And to be more local, I am lucky to live in Utah. It's a great place to live.

I could go on and on (trust me, I could), but I think you catch my drift. My life has been hectic, trying to juggle it all has been kind of a challenge, but through all this, it is easy to see that MY LIFE IS GREAT. I am SO lucky!

Oh, and I'm also lucky because I have a SUPER POWER!

Pearls Before Swine

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