Thursday, December 17, 2009


When I first started thinking about the topic of time, I was thinking my first sentence would be "I wish I had more of it", or "I have so much to do, and not enough time in which to do it". However, when I thought a little more about this topic, I decided to start it a little differently. So here goes:

I wish I was better at managing it. It's kind of silly to wonder what life would be like if we all had 36 hour days or 8-9 days in a week, because we all know that's not going to happen. We all have the same 24 hours every day. It's what we choose to do with it that we can change.

Those who know me well have probably heard me rant a little bit about the sense of entitlement that seems prevalent in teenagers these days. Well, I had a somewhat shocking realization today. I too feel a bit of that 'entitlement' when it comes to time. I guess I just sometimes feel like my time is MINE, and I should get to spend a chunk of it (even if it's a small chunk) doing stuff I WANT TO DO. Problem is, that's not a great attitude.

Well, a little perspective helps, so I started to look at all the things that compete for my time, I realize how blessed I am to have a beautiful wife who I LOVE spending time with (who also, by the way, doesn't have this problem. Day after day she devotes all her time to the kids and me). I have 4 wonderful children who are elated to have even a tiny slice of my time. I am blessed to have a decent job which pays the bills. Church callings and opportunities abound. With all of these things that I'm so grateful for, is it really as hard to spend my time on these most important things as I often make it?

Only time will tell.

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