Friday, October 8, 2010

Change is Good...Right?

So for those of you out there who don't know, I am starting a new job on the 18th. Well, kind of. It's not really a new job. I've been doing some consulting in addition to my regular full time work, and the people I've been doing consulting for offered me a great position working full time for them. So I'm starting a new job, but I'm going to be working on some of the same stuff for the same company I've been working with for some time now.

I've felt really good about this change, so I'm not even questioning it, but I thought I'd just list good and bad things about the switch:

The Good:
  • I have felt like this is a great time for me to change jobs. I've been working at my current job for almost 5 years now, and I don't want to be too stagnant, so in the back of my mind, I've already been thinking about looking.
  • I've been putting in (on average) about 10-15 hours per week with my consulting, as well as putting some extra hours into my regular job to try to get ahead there, so I haven't been home much. This new job (and only one job, no consulting for now) will allow me to spend way more time at home with my family (yay!)
  • I drive about 40 miles round trip to work right now. After the job change it'll be about 5. So I'll spend less time on the road (meaning even more time with the fam), plus I'll use way less gas and put way fewer miles on my car.
  • I'm kind of kidding about this one, but I get to get a fresh start with my "to do" list. My current to do list at work is HUGE! Granted, most of it isn't just a "to do" list, but a "would like to do" list. There are so many things that are on my list as "If I can get to it" tasks. It'll be nice to be starting with a pretty clean slate (not completely clean, because I've already got a couple of things that I've been working on in my consulting).
  • It really is a great offer. In fact, in a lot of ways, this new company has gone out of it's way to make the offer so nice and be so helpful as I transition over. It's hard to ignore the fact that they obviously were willing to go to that much effort to convince me to change jobs.

The Not-So-Good:
  • At my current job, I have had a chance to be so involved, not only with my own team, but with all different areas of the company. It's hard to leave a place and people you know so well. Especially the people I work the closest with. We've worked through some crazy stuff, not just at work, but in our personal lives as well. So leaving those people is hard. And meeting and trying to get to know a whole new set of people is difficult as well. I hope everyone's ok with me calling them "hey you", or "dude" for a while.
  • Over the last 5 years, I have learned so much about the systems and data that I work with every day, along with much of the company's processes and procedures. Going to a new company where I know very little of this information is a little intimidating. I just have to remember that I started in the same boat 5 years ago and was just fine.
  • Change is always hard. I am a man of routine. I have the same morning schedule every morning. I eat the same breakfast. For the most part, I drive the same route to places once I find the one I like. I don't really try new things all that often. So that's a little uncomfortable. But the silver lining to this item is that the change isn't as big as it could be if I was getting hired by a company I'd never consulted for.
  • And there are a couple of silly little things. For example, at my current job, we have parking under my building. So I pretty much never have to clean off my car in the winter. I just drive from my garage to the parking garage and back. It's an outdoor lot at my new job. Related to that, it's been nice always having a free parking spot downtown. That goes away too.

All in all, as I mentioned, it feels like the right thing to do, so ultimately it's what I am going to do, regardless of the pro/con list. But it's nice that there are so many benefits with this change. It makes the change itself more manageable.

And I'd like also add that I just feel grateful to even have a job. I've loved working where I've been working. I've learned and grown so much. It has been a fantastic experience, and I think it has helped to shape me and my career. It has been great. I also would like to add that my experience thus far with the new company has been very positive as well. I will get to learn lots of new things there, as well as hone the skills I've already gained. I can't help but think that I'm just really lucky.

I'm so blessed...

and excited...

and a little sad...

but happy.

You know?


Tiffany McAlister said...

You go, dude! Rock that new job! And you know, they already like you so no pressure! :D

Teachinfourth said...

I hope that this is something which opens up new opportunities and that you love it.

Seriously. I know that changes can be hard…