Saturday, September 11, 2010

Things That Make a Semi-Geeky Father Proud...

So I was thinking today that we are raising a whole passel of at least semi-geeky Crabbs.  Here are some examples:

Rusty has really started to like playing on the computer.

Wes gets a kick out of movie quotes. He thinks it's hilarious when ANYONE quotes a funny line from a show.

Mily loves to read. She just entered first grade, and she says that they tested her reading and apparently she tested at a 4th grade level! I walked past the front room just a few minutes ago, and out of all the things she could have been doing on a Saturday afternoon, there she was sitting in the chair, just reading away. And I'm told that she read for like 2½ hours yesterday!
Josh's favorite Wii game (for the last little while anyway) has been Lego Star Wars. Sometimes when I tell him about the movies, he can play the game better because he understands more of what he's supposed to do.  It's been a while since I've seen them all, so I'm thinking that we need to watch them together.

So I'm sorry, kids, but it looks like you've inherited at least some of your father's geekiness.  Hopefully people in Jr. High and High School don't hold it against you.


Tiffany McAlister said...

I love your geeky kids! At least geeky-ness translates into smart later...My kids just got dorky-ness from their mother. sigh. That doesn't translate into ANYTHING when their older! :D

Kelly Jean said...

Haha. I think quoting movies is in the McPhie-genes or something, because I quote at least one (but usually 10 or more) movies a day. Not ashamed ;)